Here are the following points you can expect during Your Visit With Us for Immigration Medical Exam:
- We do business out of a home office located in a quiet residential neighborhood. Yes! You are in the right place!
- Free parking is available in our driveway or on the street.
- Please ring our doorbell upon your arrival.
- A staff member, often our doctor, will greet you.
- You will be asked about your COVID-19 vaccination status. Those not fully vaccinated will be required to mask before being invited into the office.
- You will be seated and asked for your passport (or other ID), COVID card, vaccination records, and (if applicable) TB records.
- You will pay and be issued a receipt.
- You will read and sign our half-page permission form.
- Women of childbearing age will be asked if they are pregnant. Pregnant women are vaccinated differently.
- Our doctor will prepare your I-693 form.
- You will sign your I-693 form on page 2.
- You will be issued an order for vaccinations (if applicable).
- You will be issued lab orders and instructions.
- You will be interviewed about your past medical and psychiatric history, including questions about sexually transmitted diseases and alcohol and drug abuse.
- You will undergo a brief physical exam, the purpose of which is to identify signs of diseases of a public health significance. You will not need to undress for the exam.
- The doctor will summarize everything and answer any questions, including an estimate of the time your report should be ready. You will then be escorted to the exit.
- If time permits, many applicants go directly to the lab after their office visit.
If you want to know more, contact us today. Dr. Steven Wittenberg Gordon has dedicated 80% of his practice to immigration medicine in memory of his late father, a refugee and Holocaust survivor. Hence, our team of professional and trained staff is dedicated to serving you in the best possible way.